Growing up, my mom often told me (and whomever was listening) that I had no common sense/street smarts. Actually, her words were, “that kid can tell you why it’s raining, but she hasn’t got the sense to come in out of it.” I was (or should it be present tense am?) naïve, however I realize in the last few years that I am far from being without common sense and critical thinking skills. And truthfully, I’m not all that intelligent or “book learnt”. Being an avid reader with a proclivity for words has managed to give the appearance that I am far more learned and intelligent than I actually am.
I am, however, in possession of critical thinking skills. I believe that may be why it astounds me, really, how prolific conspiracy theories have become during the past few years. During this time of COVID they are especially rampant. Qanon and other online crackpot theories have thrived. And in my opinion, they have become dangerous. People are dying and I really cannot for the life of me figure out why. Our democratic process of elections is under attack due to “The Big Lie.”
How can a grown person, smart enough to drive, pay their own bills, and hold down a steady job, most of which require a great deal more education and skill than I could ever hope to possess, believe without question that there is a secret cabal of pedophiles running the world who meet secretly and drink the blood of babies?
How can they believe their cousin Freddy’s friend’s Uncle Otis when he says he has irrefutable proof that the COVID vaccine contains a microchip (or the Biblical “Mark of the Beast”) over the word of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, the CDC, and even the World Health Organization? (Psst.if you are concerned about recognizing the “Mark”, please read Revelation chapter thirteen, especially verse sixteen. )
As I have mentioned previously, I was never blessed with birthing my own children. I have two wonderful stepchildren that I adore more than they know. I would fight a grizzly bear to protect them and my precious grandbabies…I would even fight that same crazed grizzly to protect their spouses. That’s what you do for family isn’t it? So, it baffles me that parents who have been blessed with the precious gift of children and family are fighting so hard NOT to protect them with scientific solutions such as masks, social distancing, and vaccines.
But beyond being baffled, I’m starting to get angry. If one more person cries, “my body, my choice” I’m going to point them towards Texas. That argument just doesn’t carry weight. Yes, the US is one of the freest in the world, but we have laws and limits. But even if we didn’t, what about your moral obligation to the person standing next to you in the line at the bank? It’s called social responsibility; “an ethical theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment. If this equilibrium is maintained, then social responsibility is accomplished.” (Source, Wikipedia entry regarding Social Responsibility. Used my critical thinking skills to look that up when I couldn't remember the exact definition.)
Oh, and before someone argues with me that the current vaccines, masking, and other scientifically based methods for preventing the virus aren’t necessary because they aren’t 100% effective, sit your happy butt down and listen. NO medical treatment is 100% effective. Would you tell a diabetic not to take their insulin injections because the insulin doesn’t completely prevent diabetes, or some people still die from diabetes complications? Or tell a cancer patient not to take chemo or radiation because some people still die from cancer despite treatments?
As I said at the beginning of this post, I’m not very smart, but I do know enough to tell you why it is raining AND I know to come in out of it, despite what my mom thought. COVID is the rainstorm. Think about it.
p.s. As I was finishing this up and posting, the local news just gave a statistic that makes me want to cry: Only 1/3 of the citizens of Whitfield County where I live have been vaccinated. Hamilton Hospital shared that 80% of people admitted for COVID are unvaccinated, 93% of those in ICU are unvaccinated, and 92% on ventilators are unvaccinated.
As I said the other day, if I am wrong, please educate me. But know this, if you are going to educate me, bring verifiable data from universally trusted sources.
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